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About us


Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

School Hours
7:50 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Contact Us 

PAWS, practice responsibility, always safe, willing to learn, stay kind

With a focus on transforming teaching and learning in order to make the academic standards accessible for all students, North Star has become known for its dedication to teacher collaboration and professional development. Teachers share student work and assessments and engage in conversations and classroom observations to ensure that students are truly moving forward in their knowledge and skills, K-5.

We strive to keep our expectations high for all students, while still recognizing it’s important to meet each learner where they are and provide the support they need to reach their potential. After just one year, we saw an increase in our students’ academic growth and are motivated to continue the pursuit of increased achievement. 

PATHS: Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies

At North Star, we believe a safe and nurturing environment supports our primary focus - the education of our children. We teach lessons from the PATHS curriculum for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a positive school culture so that all students can focus on learning. Each day a student is selected to be the PATHS Kid of the Day. They receive compliments from peers, teachers, and themselves. Students take their compliment page home to share with you so that you may also share your compliments with them.

Scholar Program

In addition to our PATHS Program, we also support character development through our Scholar Program.  Each month, students will be nominated for their academic growth in Reading and Writing as well as the Problem Solver of the Month at each grade level.  These students will be recognized at a special breakfast ceremony at 7:00 am.  The Scholar Breakfasts are scheduled on the calendar. 

The Learning Path

The Learning Path is a school wide behavior management system used to increase desired learning behaviors in all environments at North Star.  All students begin each day on “Balanced and Respectful” and work to stay in the comfortable zone including “Engaged Learner” and “Role Model and Leader”.  We realize that sometimes students enter the uncomfortable zone and need a space to calm down in their classroom or another classroom.  Once they have a plan, they can return to learning and being balanced and respectful.   

Nutritious Opportunities for Students

Through our partnership with Nutrition Services we are able to provide nutritious meals for all students attending North Star. In addition to our lunch program, served daily, students also have another opportunity for free and nutritious food. Students are welcomed each morning with free breakfast in the classroom, delivered right from the school kitchen.